In Egyptian Mythology, Apep (Aapep, Apepi or Apophis) was the ancient Egyptian cosmic spirit of evil, darkness, chaos, and destruction who threatened to destroy the Sun god Ra as he traveled through the sky at night. Ancient Egypt Apep was the deity of darkness thus opposed the deity of light and Ma’at (truth/order). Originally, the serpent-headed man Set and Mehen were given the job of defending Sun god Ra and his solar barge.

ancient Egypt Apep

Apep existence was believed to and was first attested to during the Middle Kingdom. But the New Kingdom texts provide the myths and legends of this demon. During Roman times, it was believed that  Ancient Egypt Apep has been created when Nit spat into the waters of Nun, where her spittle turning into the giant water snake. His name was thought to mean ‘He who was Spat Out’.  It was also thought to happen at the start of time, and that he lived in the primeval waters. Many myths also describe him as an evil God who discarded Sun-god himself. These facts explain the snake’s strength and his resentment of the daily journey of the sun.

Egypt Serpent God Apep

Apep or Apophis has been described as a huge serpent (or crocodile) who lived in the waters of Nun or in the celestial Nile. Being a huge serpent, his coils were tightly compressed to emphasize his huge size.  Usually, in funerary texts, he is shown in the process of being dismembered in various ways.

Ancient Egypt Apep

A detailed depiction shows the tomb of Ramesses VI, where twelve heads are painted above the head of the snake. These heads represented the souls this serpent has swallowed who are briefly freed when destroyed, only to be imprisoned again the following night.

Apep was the God of chaos and commanded an army of demons that threatened mankind. Apep was not only a threat to people and ancient Gods but also against Ma’at and creation itself. Apep was never worshiped and it was only by putting faith in the gods of light people could defeat him and his demons. Ancient Egyptians protected themselves against him by performing a ritual called the “Banishing of Apep” held by the priests of Ra.

Apep was a demon of unknown and chaos and related to frightening and destructive events such as unexplained darkness and evil. During solar eclipses, it was interpreted as a victory of Apep over Sun god Ra as he swallowed the solar bark. People performed rituals to ensure that he could do no harm.