Egyptian Hunting was a popular activity in ancient Egypt. It appears that hunting was reserved for the richer nobles. In the early days, a desert hunt took place on foot, but after the chariot was introduced, the Pharaoh and his colleagues galloped after their prey. Farmers would also go hunting for antelope in the desert beyond the hills.

The rich ancient Egyptians’ ate meat (beef, goat, mutton), fish from the Nile (perch, catfish, mullet) or poultry (goose, pigeon, duck, heron, crane) on a daily basis. Poor Egyptians only ate meat on special occasions but ate fish and poultry more often.

Egyptian Hunting

A pastime enjoyed by most Egyptians involved venturing outside into muddy marshes to search for – and even hunt – water birds or, in the desert, to hunt other animals. Other forms of hunting were popular through all classes. The most commonly used hunting weapons were bows and arrows, lassos, and throwing sticks.


Egyptian Hunting

Going out for a hunt was a family activity. One tomb painting depicts a family sailing through thickets on a boat. The father stood at the prow of the boat, holding a throw-stick to stun a bird when he was close to it.

Love of the hunt had come down to the Egyptians from their prehistoric forebears. It had at one time, after all, been the only way of getting meat. In Neolithic and pre dynastic days hunting and fishing were still an important supplement to stockbreeding.

By historic times, however, agriculture and stockbreeding had increased to the point where hunting was losing its economic significance. It gradually became the sport of kings, courtiers, and dignitaries, in which they could display their strength and valor.

Hunting expeditions of the pharaohs resembled often military campaigns more than pleasure outings. Each of the pharaohs employed a master of the hunt to accompany him, along with a whole troupe of attendants and beaters.

The usual quarry were the many species of gazelle and antelope (Dorcas, addax, oryx, etc.), ibex, little ox, Barbary sheep, and ostriches. A higher degree of skill and courage was demanded to chase hyenas, lions, and leopards.

Hunting could be an extremely dangerous sport due to the wild nature of the animals which were hunted. The Ancient Egyptians used hunting dogs to help them capture their prey. Sight hounds have exceptional eyesight, combined with the speed and stamina necessary to catch the intended prey.

The Pharaoh hound originated in ancient Egypt and was bred primarily as a sight hound to hunt gazelle and other small game.