The Nile valley area is very popular for the civilizations that this place had. There is evidence of structures Egyptian architecture. These include the Great Pyramid of Giza and also Great Sphinx of Giza. They are among the most famous and the largest structures.

Egyptian Towns

Typically the ancient Egyptian towns had two building materials. They were mud brick and stone. Stones were generally used for the tombs and for the temples. The brick structure was commonly used for the making of the royal places like the fortresses and things like the temple walls etc.

Egyptian Towns

Many of these Egyptian towns do not exist anymore because they were situated near the Nile River. They were made in such a manner that first they were made into mold shapes and then it was left for a long time to dry on its own.

Because the location was near the Nile River, very soon these areas were flooded and their existence was completely removed. As the water level of these rivers increased, the mud of these houses was eroded.

In place of these old ones, some new one has been erected nearby. What has been newly made is in the form of buildings and proper infrastructure.

What we have majorly understood about the architecture of these towns has been with the help of the religious monuments. They had very massively large structures. The walls were slopping and the objective of such a construction was sustainability. The walls and the exterior of the houses here had pictures carved and made. In fact, there have been some astronomical drawings on them as well.

These paintings also clearly reflected about the wars that the Egyptians fought.

There was a very famous Egyptian Pyramid complex. This complex was located around 8 kilometers interior of the old town, Giza. The pyramid is relatively simple and people do not get lost in it.

Most of the settlements in the town have been keeping two things in consideration. One was how near was the place from a water source and second thing that was kept in mind was the material of which the houses were made.

The settlements of the ancient Egyptian towns can be divided into dynasties. The first dynasty enclosed the entire town into a wall like structure. The middle kingdom had more of a centralized planning of the town.

In the new kingdom, the plan was very well preserved. There were a lot of royal locations. The houses were mostly owned by private individuals and there was no as such orientation that was followed for the building.