Archive for February, 2018

  • Seth: God of Chaos

    What kind of God Seth is Seth was an ancient Egyptian god who usually represents the forces of disturbance and confusion in the world. On the basis of archaeological evidence, his […]

  • Nephthys: Protective Goddess of Dead

    Who The Goddess Nephthys is In ancient Egypt, Nephthys was considered as a funerary goddess whose main role was to perform as the protector of the dead. She is considered […]

  • Tomb of Hetpet: A Royal Priestess

    Ancient Egypt has always been fascinating in the field of immense interest. Ancient Egyptian civilization is such a type of ancient civilization that gave us the most long-lasting preservation technique […]

  • Geb: God of Earth

    Who is The God Geb In ancient Egypt, Geb was basically the personification of Earth. He was one of the most primaeval deities of ancient Egypt. He was one of […]
