
Saqqara is located in the Giza Governorate in Lower Egypt. Archaeologically, it is significant. Because it served as a necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital Memphis. Necropolis refers to a place only intended for burying the dead. One of the famous archaeological findings of Saqqara is the Step Pyramid of Djoser.


The Discovery

A team of archaeologists has recovered a rich burial site at Saqqara recently. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Egypt has announced this discovery in the month of September 2020.


The Significance of this Discovery

Generally, discoveries of burial sites are very common in the country of sands – Egypt. But this specific discovery bears so much significance. Because archaeologists have recovered totally intact and well preserved, in other words, ‘sealed’ sarcophagi.

Usually, this is not the condition for most of the burial sites in Egypt. Most of them are vandalized or stolen. But this one is in the ‘untouched’ condition. Thus, this discovery is an important one. So, there are great possibilities of extracting significant information from these findings.


The Sarcophagi

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt announced that archaeologists have unearthed a total number of 27 wooden sarcophagi till now. All these belong to more than 2,500 years back.


The Condition of the Sarcophagi

All the sarcophagi unearthed till now are found in good condition. They are in their primary burying condition Their sealings are intact. They are well-preserved.

Thus, this discovery amazed archaeologists. In some of them, even, there is an accurate trace of the designs on the wood. The coffins have some of their original colors.


The Interpretation

Mustafa Waziri is the Secretary-General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. He thinks that there are chances of finding more sarcophagi in the burial site. The big question is regarding the owners of the coffins. We can get information on this after the completion of the investigations by the researchers.

Although, their finding in a totally ‘sealed’ condition is a good sign. It will help to conduct further fruitful investigations. Thus, this discovery is important to understand the funerary activities of ancient Egyptians.